Serving Farmers Across the Upper Midwest & Beyond

At Upper Midwest Pumping we are recognized as a regional leader in everything we do — manure handling and forage harvesting.


Our ag-related company is based in Long Prairie, MN and has a reach extending across the 5-state area, including Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, North Dakota, and South Dakota. As a leading manure handling contractor and custom forage harvesting company we understand that our job is a seasonal one – and a short season at that – which is why we operate with multiple crews, go hard from spring to fall, and work whenever you need us (24/7).

Original owner / operator, Tim Woeste, had years of manure handling experience before venturing into the formation of Upper Midwest Pumping in 2011. From central Minnesota, Tim worked as a farmhand before he could even drive, with his most previous position entailing nine years of manure pumping for a local pumping company.

Originally established to meet the manure pumping demand from dairy and hog farmers, we quickly found that our clients also had a need for custom forage harvesting services. It didn’t take us long to realize that we could meet that need as well.

Today we continue to experience tremendous growth across all areas of service. Whether you call on us for on-going manure pumping or for one-time harvesting of corn silage, you can be assured that we’ll show up with our own equipment and skilled manpower that is ready to work. Contact us to learn more about what we do or to schedule service.