Custom Forage Harvesting of Hay & Corn Silage

Members of the US Custom Harvesters Association

At Upper Midwest Pumping we provide custom forage harvesting for dairy farmers and beef growers across Minnesota and the outlying states.

Like with all the services we offer, when it comes to custom forage harvesting we rely on our own equipment, come prepared with our own skilled manpower, and have the dedication to keep working long after the sun goes down. At Upper Midwest Pumping we operate from spring to fall, and run with multiple crews – especially during harvest season.

Whether you need us to harvest hay in western South Dakota or corn silage in southern Iowa, we are able to transport the heavy machines and support equipment needed to get your feed from the field to the storage pad. From chopping to hauling, we can get the job done right – and we can get it done fast. Beyond that, when we’re working in your fields it leaves you free to tend to other daily farm operations.

Our Professional Harvesting Services

  • Hay & Corn Silage
  • Cutting
  • Merging
  • Shredlage
  • Transport
  • 24/7 Harvesting
  • Our Own Equipment
  • 5-State Coverage Area

Our Credentials

  • Licensed & Insured
  • 40+ Years of Combined Agricultural Experience (and that’s just between the two owners)

From one-time service when your resources are down to on-going harvesting year-after-year, we strive to be the forage harvesting contractor you can count on. Contact us at Upper Midwest Pumping for more information or to schedule our timely forage harvesting services.